Learn how the DEFINITE study examines diabetic foot debridement, minor amputation practices, and adherence to International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF) and the Global Vascular Guidelines (GVG) recommendations. Download the study here.
As diabetes incidence rises globally, one of the most serious complications is diabetic foot disease (DFD), which includes ulcers, gangrene, and, if left untreated, limb loss or death. The DEFINITE study aims to capture practices of diabetic foot debridement and minor amputation in theatre, comparing them to the IWGDF and GVG recommendations, and report the outcomes of patients undergoing debridement or
minor amputation for a DFD complication.
Key Facts:
The DEFINITE Audit – Prospective Audit of Diabetic Foot Debridement in Theatre
Patients with diabetes mellitus have a high risk of developing a diabetic foot ulcer. This is associated with at an increased risk of infection, which can result in amputation and mortality.
There are evidence based guidelines on the management of diabetic foot ulcers, including debridement in theatre.
This audit will examine whether participating centres are adhering to the guidelines on diabetic foot ulcer debridement in theatre and whether adherence to guidelines results in better ulcer related outcomes.
The audit is open to centres worldwide.
Launch Date: 01/12/2021. Data collection is now complete.
For enquiries email: definitestudy@gmail.com
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