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Welcome to the SIMBA-T Study

Surgical Site Infections in Major Lower Limb Amputation – Transmetatarsal Extension

Building on the success of the SIMBA audit, SIMBA-T is an international, multicenter study focused on improving outcomes in transmetatarsal amputations (TMAs). This study aims to:

  • Investigate the incidence and risk factors of surgical site infections (SSIs) in TMAs.
  • Describe centre specific pathways and policies surrounding TMAs.

  • Collect robust data to guide future clinical practices.

Chronic limb-threatening ischaemia (CLTI) and diabetes can lead to severe complications, necessitating transmetatarsal amputation (TMA). TMA offers advantages over major lower limb amputation (MLLA) by preserving limb length and allowing for a functioning ankle joint.


In the UK, 1,872 TMAs were performed in 2022-23, outcomes reporting for these procedures is inadequate. A systematic review identified a pooled SSI rate of 24% following TMA, but this was based on limited data with significant risk of bias.

To tackle these deficiencies, the SIMBA-T Audit will build upon the existing SIMBA framework, which recently provided valuable outcome data on approximately 1,000 MLLA patients.

– Get Involved –

Interested in joining the SIMBA-T study? Sign up now to play a vital role in advancing vascular surgery research.


  • Recruitment starts: OPEN NOW
  • Data collection starts: March 1 2025


📩 Contact Us
For questions or to register, reach out to the SIMBA-T team:

✉️ Email: simbat.amputation@gmail.com