Following the success of last years’ joint meeting with the European Venous Forum our annual meeting returns with a move from its usual spring schedule to early July.
The programme presents an interesting selection of symposia on several important aspects of venous disease, including controversies in management of superficial venous thrombosis (thrombophlebitis), its progression to DVT and its place as a DoH VTE tool risk factor mandating prophylaxis. The perennial problem of venous ulcer management is addressed in a joint symposium with the Society of Vascular Nurses and the Tissue Viability Society and ulcers are also the subject of this years keynote Royal Society of Medicine, Venous Forum Lecture: “A national strategy for venous leg ulceration”.
For the first time training in venous disease forms a major part of our meeting with the introduction of a dedicated specialty trainees day immediately preceding the main meeting and there is a training symposium in the plenary programme.
We return to the ulcer theme with the international guest lecture on“the importance of establishing the correct aetiology and pathology before treating a leg ulcer” to be given by Raghu Kolluri from Cleveland, Ohio.