Determining the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the provision, practice and outcomes of vascular surgery


The COVER study is a multi-centre prospective project of the modifications to global vascular service provision, condition management and outcomes following interventions performed during the COVID-19 pandemic

This three-tiered project will aim to understand and evaluate the evolving impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global vascular practice and the effect on outcomes for those patients presenting and managed during the pandemic:

Tier 1 – Changes to vascular unit level clinical processes

A survey capturing changes to the structure and delivery of vascular surgery at a unit level over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic

The initial results from Tier 1 have now been published in the BJS, the full paper is available here

Current analysis is investigating how units are recovering from the pandemic

Tier 2 – Vascular and Endovascular procedural data capture

Three month period of data capture on all vascular interventions undertaken during the COVID 19 outbreak

The initial results were presented at VSASM 2020

COVER 2 has now been published, the paper is available here

Tier 3 – Changes to acute vascular care management

One month project identifying how the management of all referred urgent vascular cases changes during the COVID-19 pandemic

Initial analysis of this dataset is currently underway

Tiers 2 & 3 of the COVER study have now received HRA/REC approval in the UK

To register your centre for Tier 2 & 3 study involvement (and to receive a RedCap log in) please follow this link:

 Centres should start registering their centres locally for study commencement. The following official study documents can be used to support you in this process:

For further information or to declare your interest; please contact us/email

The COVER Study is being delivered in partnership with the NIHR unit for Global Surgery & COVIDSurg group.
We are very grateful to the following supporters of the COVER Study: